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Corny Poem: My first try

More Than You Do

Cats, baboons, blue skies, and vegetables;
Things that trigger, my name to recall;
I'm glad that not only a single key
Can make you remember an ordinary me.
But let me tell you, dear:
I remember you more than you do.

Our homes were at each opposite sides
Of this small world, a sphere;
From the moment that we connect,
I knew you've been far and also you've been near.
Since then, you said, so sweet to hear:
You missed me so many times,
That you wished I was there.
But let me tell you, dear:
I miss you more than you do.

You react when you hear me say:
"I think of you more than you do";
Same thing, you object when I wrote:
"I miss you more than you do".
So, you asked: How do I gauge that?
Well, I use no gauge, in fact.

The things I believe, the feelings I feel,
The only one who can tell is me;
If others can do better,
I shall do the best that I can;
If you do more than I can do,
I shall exceed to all your ways.


Anonymous said…
It seems brilliant idea to me is
Albine Bodo said…
Thank you, Anonymous for reading my poem. I just posted few recently and I'll try to write more :)