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Output Report on an Echo-Seminar

There was an echo-seminar conducted at the EAC-Manila Campus last July 25, 2009. The title was "Trends and Updates in Effective Teaching Methodologies". This involves a number of speakers, both coming from EAC-Manila and EAC-Cavite branches.

At the end of the seminar, every participants were asked to subimt an output report. So this is mine:

In the midst of every presentations regarding "Trends and Updates in Effective Teaching Methodologies", I tend to go inside myself and ask:

  1. Of all the items presented, what are those that I have been practicing now?
  2. How can I integrate new ideas into my present teaching methodologies and styles?
What counts a lot to me in this gathering are such highlights on "Insights on Trends and Updates". I thank the presenter who brought this topic out:

  • How to set induction
  • How to facilitate effective discussion
  • What are the various teaching methodologies
  • How to adapt better teaching styles
  • How to implement closure
I appreciated the rest of presenter's effort on bringing us their topic, especially selected according to their respective fields of expertise. I observed various individual skills and found out that they were able to demonstrate the goal of this seminar: "To impart trends and updates in effective teaching methodologies".

I could have several little criticisms to some of those speakers, but instead, I'd again rather go inside of myself so that I can create the following habits:

  • Identify the type of audience and fit my content to their interest, or pursued education.
  • In delivering highly technical matters, present examples that may be seen in daily general life, to the extent of considering some listeners being non-technical individuals.
  • As much as possible, use only words that can be understood by lay persons. Jargons may be carefully said.
To conclude with, I asked again myslelf: Is there something I can do to really carry out to classroom situation everything discussed in this seminar? Well, I'll go home (inside my heart), forget the words I heard from those speakers, seek from within, and develop intuition or hear the truth from the Ultimate Reality.
