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Showing posts from December, 2008

Personal Definitions

Guy: "What is your treat to the cats this holiday season? " Me: "Well, actually I always treat them even on no special occasions. Now, there are hot dogs left on the fridge after cooking pasta for my students. These cats have them. On a cold weather like this, I think the best treat I can give them is a cuddle. Is it not sweet? " Guy: "Yes, it's sweet. But you know how cats are, sometimes you try to cuddle them and they squirm away from you. Like some women, actually." (giggles) Me: "You think so?" (laughs) "Because that who cuddle is so vague. Precision is preferred. " Guy: "Precision cuddling." (laughs) "Only you would come up with something like that. You're one of a kind. "

Praises, Longing, and Sorry

I was a fool... I was vulnerable... I couldn't control myself... But I have hoped! What are praises for? I'm not used to it, anyway. I haven't heard my parents praise me nor my brother does; and that, I don't understand. I just have few friends though and sometimes they praise me a little and I don't mind that attention. At work, knowing my boss, he is not the type of person to give praises generously. With my students, there are of course petty little comments but it outweighs those damn complaints against me. Thus overall, I hear just few praises since I got consciousness in the world.