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Personal Definitions

Guy: "What is your treat to the cats this holiday season?"
Me: "Well, actually I always treat them even on no special occasions. Now, there are hot dogs left on the fridge after cooking pasta for my students. These cats have them. On a cold weather like this, I think the best treat I can give them is a cuddle. Is it not sweet?"
Guy: "Yes, it's sweet. But you know how cats are, sometimes you try to cuddle them and they squirm away from you. Like some women, actually." (giggles)
Me: "You think so?" (laughs) "Because that who cuddle is so vague. Precision is preferred."
Guy: "Precision cuddling." (laughs) "Only you would come up with something like that. You're one of a kind."

This Christmas season, I asses, has been the most meaningful Christmas I experience after 38 years of Christmases in my life. Before the 25th day of December this year, there was a different personal experience which drove me to awakening. I just learned about finding the real me and admittedly, I'm only a newbie in this process.

Just recently, I came up with the term precision cuddling and now here goes my own dictionary. But wait, let me warn you that these definitions may change over time as insights continuously grow...

Precision Cuddling - a twin perception of what cuddling is all about, why one is doing it, while both parties get the assurance of exclusiveness;-)

Myself - the person who is "me"; the person I call "I"; made in the image and likeness of God -- may have not realized the full essence of this phrase, at least this time, so maybe "myself" is seen as a cup half-empty or half-full... I am that I am... or I am what I am. I am unique. I am capable to give and receive love.

Love - an adhesive ingredient to bind people together. Starts with loving myself; can't love others if I can't love myself.

Happiness - a choice I make right here, right now. Can't make others happy if I myself is not happy.

Inner Peace - remembering who I am; staying calm in the presence of high and low emotions.

Trust - I tend to interchange with "faith" and "confidence". Trusting myself means trusting others.

Acceptance - knowing and loving myself; unconditionally loving others.

Appreciation - finding personal strengths while seeing personal weaknesses as opportunity to fit towards harmony. Starts within me and flows outward to others.

Honesty - providing transparency towards others; the ability to exhibit courage.

Success - embracing happiness.

Fear - when unreasonable, doesn't make me happy; when acknowledged, leads me to self-consciousness.

Anger - doesn't make me happy; when mismanaged, leads me to ridicule. I'd be a fool if I exchange anger with anger.

Mistake - an opportunity to identify my limits; an opportunity to correct misdeeds.

Friend - someone who possesses multiple personalities of being my clone, my brother/sister, my mother/father, my mentor, my student, the devil's advocate, the needy, the giver, and the contender. A friend is a connection between the two of us. A friend is a friend. Since I am either a black or a white thing, no such thing as "good friend" or "best friend"... a boyfriend or a girlfriend is a friend but a friend is not a boyfriend/girlfriend... a husband or a wife is a friend but a friend is not a husband/wife. So therefore, I don't wanna make it gray.

Sex = love

Terms I have yet to define are:

  1. soul
  2. true
  3. knowing
  4. belief
  5. reality
  6. joy
  7. judgment
  8. guilt
  9. intention
  10. responsibility

Further Readings:
